Happy December!!! I made the Cutest little underwear Christmas ornaments in the whole damn world. Straight up check these out.
When I saw Rebecca of Sweet Minou and The Underweartier making tiny lingerie Christmas Ornaments, I knew I Absolutely had to get in on it!! I love tiny, easy projects that I can work on in the evenings while I listen to audiobooks (currently listening to The Fire Chronicle and it is AMAZING. What can I say- I love children’s fiction and I love Jim Dale. #harrypotterforever)
Anyway. Tiny underwear!
I used some wool scraps that I brought with me from the cutest little wool store in Kennebunk, Maine, as well as some beautiful gold lace I got from Mood Fabrics. Really, you could use anything, and I’m so sad that all my sparkly beads and sequins are in storage in Nebraska! Will definitely be making some more for Valentine’s Day.
I wanted to use silky pretty things re: lingerie, but I decided to go with felt because it doesn’t need to be hemmed, is an easy canvas for embroidery and appliqué, and will hold its shape when it’s hung up on magical Christmas tree branches. You could also use decorative paper and glue things to it if you’re into paper crafts!
So here’s the template! The picture is meant to be 4×6 inches so you could print it out at postcard size, if you want it exactly the same size as the undies I’ve made, but they’re ornaments and you can scale them to whatever size you want!
Yay!!! Now you can go make your own Undie Ornaments for your tree! I’m just imagining of all the cool things to do with tiny undies.. What about an undie garland? Or undie mobile? Or undie decorating party? Don’t forget to tag me @sophie_hines on Insta and @alltheunderwear on Twitter so I can see your beautiful teeny lingerie!
If you’d like the PDF just send a quick email, [email protected] and I’ll get you all set up!
Merry Christmas!