Today the Treehouse Gang had a straight up magical day. It was ‘Bring Your Roommate to Work Day’ for Sarah. She brought me to the Inn at English Meadows where she works as a sous chef and head server. We left at 7:20 am. I nearly died. (cry cry cry) I woke up at 6:30 and said to Lola, ‘How did this happen??’ Not even the animal was awake!! That’s how you know both that you’re up too early and also that you’ve successfully trained your dog.
We had so much fun at work- we made food for all the people and then cleaned the whole kitchen from top to bottom, and Sarah gave me a tour of all the secret backstage places.
I took some pictures to use in the Inn’s social media accounts, which was super fun on account of I love pretty pictures!! and afterwards we went to the most magical place we could think of:
This tiny farm is very important to us in the way of beauty, charm, and woodland creatures. Anthony the owner has four poodles, each one a different color and size, who roam the whole farm keeping an eye on everything. They are the only animals that Sarah loves. She says that she would like a dog if it could be four different, perfectly trained, coordinating poodles who are all friends. Straight up this place is so peaceful and right out of a fairytale, there was a mouse sitting on a shelf eating some birdseed. Anthony petted it. Not even kidding.
After Snug Harbor we stopped by Parson’s beach, since every beach in the world is Sarah’s favourite. I learned the word ‘Thalassomania’ last night, it means to be obsessed with the ocean. Which is one of Sarah’s most defining personality traits.
The tide was Way in, so we stood on a tree trunk that had washed up, but it was so high that a big wave came up and got our shoes wet when we weren’t paying attention!! We almost fell into the wave so we jumped back screaming and bumped our heads together.. and we STILL ended up with wet shoes! And bumped heads. Sarah wanted to go swimming, but there were other people there so she couldn’t take her pants off. Just as well.
And all of this was accomplished before one pm. I’m still not on board with the earliness. I hope you’re having a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend!
I need to lie down.